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Stock Competition & Business Case Competition 2018, Total Price 35 Million

Hallo Indonesia Young Investor!. Sampoerna Young Investor Club (SYIC) presents you a very competitive national trading competition named [PROSPECT: Professional Sampoerna University Stock Competition]

This annual national trading competition allows you to use your analysis and critical thinking skills within 2 type of competitions:

  • Stock Competition
  • Business Case Competition

Register now with your friends, and you will be allowed to pay the EARLY BIRD registration fee only up to May 31st, 2018! 

Show your capability and win total prizes worth of IDR 35 millions with these following criteria:

Trading Competition

1. The 1st winner: IDR 4,000,000 + RDN 1,000,000 + Certificate + Medal
2. The 2nd place: IDR 3,000,000 + RDN 1,000,000 + Certificate + Medal
3. The 3rd place:IDR 1,500,000 + RDN 1,000,000 + Certificate + Medal
4. The 4th place: IDR 1,000,000 + RDN 7,50,000 + Certificate + Medal
5. The 5th - 10th place: Certificate + Merchandise + Medal

Business Case Competition

1. The 1st winner: IDR 8,000,000 + Trophy + Certificate 
2. The 2nd place: IDR 6,000,000 + Trophy + Certificate
3. The 3rd place: 
IDR 4,000,000 + Trophy + certificate .

Register for Stock Competition: https://bit.ly/2KeWgXg

Register for Business Case Competition: https://bit.ly/2KkWUps

For further information, WA: 
087881900741 (Okky)
085847846987 (Widya)
Kompetisi 2025

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